Web & Brand Case Study

Finish Line: Building A Digital Brand For Physical Therapy

Finish Line: Building A Digital Brand For Physical Therapy

We worked with Finish Line, a competitive New York based physical therapy company, to create a digital plan and new brand website to foster better communication with their customers through education, events, and scheduling. We used a clean-sheet approach in design to explore many digital ideas that would engage their customers through a full range of products and service offerings.

How We Worked With the Team

To create Finish Line’s vision, we took straight to their office in downtown New York City. With a handful of physical therapists, as well as the managing staff, we gathered to define new opportunities and ideas using Design Thinking workshop methods. As a team, we generated over 30 ideas that were injected into the brand as well as content website.

High-value ideas included developing blogs and videos for customer education to expand programs and an interactive gateway to support patient interactions.

As part of the finishing touches, we conducted a full logo design process to ensure our all of the future marketing efforts were pointed in the right direction. We explored the needs of sports athletes, who are highly motivated and desired peak performance during their recovery.

Visit more at www.finishlinept.com

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