Web Services

Creating A New Community For Adults With Autism And Special Needs

Creating A New Community For Adults With Autism And Special Needs

The Autism Trust needed a website to promote their work, raise funds, and gain public and government support to build a sustainable community for special needs people. There mission was simple: Provide futures with purpose for individuals with autism and associated conditions

The Story

The Autism Trust arrived in 2016 to build a self-sufficient locality for autistic adults. Before they had enough individuals, the team required support talking about their work and building a community. The company needed to learn quickly how to maintain a website, create a brand, and perform other administrative responsibilities.

At the beginning, we first investigated the physical land, their ambitions, and their abilities through interviews and immersion. Our biggest insight was that they had no evidence for their cause. Nor did they have digital tools to connect content and a base narrative.

We carefully collaborated and iterated with the Autism Trust team to develop a bottom-up story that highlighted their internal accomplishments in acquiring land and establishing local connections, particularly through the church. We contributed to the creation of a news, tutorial, and donation section. Additionally, we assisted with on-site photo documentation to document the land’s characteristics and the community’s involvement. There was constant enthusiasm and momentum as a result of the organic process.

In addition to their digital web presence, we developed a fresh, contemporary identity for them that encapsulated the spirit of the “boots on the ground” mentality. The theme of shelter and building materials served as inspiration for the new logo. Using new content, digital training, and a new identity, The Autism Trust team managed to stay on top of the ever changing cause.

The Autism Trust is still successful today in helping persons in need by offering onsite homes and services. We are incredibly proud to watch The Autism Trust evolve its vision by adding more vocational services and new facilities for the individuals with Autism and special needs.

Visit more at www.autismcenteraustin.com

Selecting You From A Wide Range Of Innovative Designers Was Instrumental In Developing A Stunningly Aesthetic And Useable Website. Your Vision And Skills Created A Unique Brand For Our Non-Profit And A Website That Offered Everything We Wanted.

“Selecting You From A Wide Range Of Innovative Designers Was Instrumental In Developing A Stunningly Aesthetic And Useable Website. Your Vision And Skills Created A Unique Brand For Our Non-Profit And A Website That Offered Everything We Wanted.”

– Jonathan Tommey, Director of Development, The Autism Trust USA 501c3